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Just Bee

Through heartfelt rhymes and endearing illustrations, Just Bee is an ode to self-love, inside and out – and a glimpse of the warmth in sisterly love. It inspires young readers to actively accept themselves, unapologetically and courageously.

When Bee tries to change herself to appease bullies at school, her sister, Tia steps in to have a constructive and warm heart-to-heart with her. Tia loves her little sister, and she's determined to make sure Bee accepts herself for who she is, no matter what anyone else says.

Just Bee addresses the issues of name-calling, belittling, and comparison that can undermine a child's self-image. This touching story teaches children to bravely counter the negative words they hear with positive ones to help boost their self-esteem, confidence, academic and social skills.

Author: Serita Reels
Art Director: Summer Nile

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